
comments 18

None of us
really knows
what kind of stunt
is going to pull next.

The thing to do
is avoid being
If you like to fly,
for instance,
put on your
leather aviator’s helmet,
your trusted goggles,
and a long, flowing white scarf.
Then sneak into the
Situation Room
and thrust up your hand
to volunteer.

Don’t worry,
They’ll know for what.


    • Maybe start with the Marga outfit, and see where it takes you… It seems to me it has some rather roomy sleeves… 🙂



    • I hear you, Brad. I wrote it and then took one of those big gulps. Putting your hand up can feel like walking up the ladder to the 10m platform, something you won’t find me doing too awful much of… 🙂 But I think, if I have interpreted your enthusiasm correctly, that somehow we are met where we’re at… I think there is somewhere in A Course in Miracles that Jesus essentially says our experience is transformed gently- none of us are asked to swim with sharks or tame lions to prove our willingness. We’re just afraid that is what will be asked. Taming demons within is hard enough… So we start with running an errand or two, perhaps, and then beauty begets beauty, as Love begets Love, as this whole shebang unfolds…

      And if I missed the mark entirely, well it was fun to tell you a little more about my own experience with petrification… Interesting word, no? Reminds me that fear paralyzes… I know of this firsthand…



      • Essentially yes, and you may have more enthusiasm or willingness for it. I was saying in a playful way that I need to prepare, especially for the dramatic way you describe it.
        I keep moving toward more love and surrender (aka volunteering if I understand you correctly), as best I can, day to day, when I remember to choose love and/ or surrender.

        Petrification is a great (and new) word to me!

        You do like to wax poetic Michael. 🙂


  1. Just packing up the hotel room to head out into the situation rooms of living…one of the other books to make the travel limitations weight cut:

    Just finished reading this during my last chunk of work:

    (my maternal grandpa was the youngest bomber Captain in WWII flying out of NAfrica and England -he had lied to get into flight school 🙂 )
    Aye, aye Cap’n MM. (or should it be eye, eye- that sees eye?!) Gracious. GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!! lol -x.M


    • Amazing, M. I thinking flying around in a sluggish target laden with fuel and explosives would take nerves of steel. I listened to the book (on CD) Unbroken last year, and the contrast to the nobility described in that Youtube clip was striking. It is amazing how just one moment of absolutely pure giving can transform a life forever. I think maybe the sensation of imminent death heightens all that, forges bonds while emotions are at their hottest and most vulnerable-malleable point. They cool into alloy cables, linking each to each…



    • Yes, good point! We volunteer and it seems like an accomplishment, but perhaps it is sustenance of the volunteering state of mind that is essential, so we don’t get fixated on any particular states or results that are obtained along the way…



  2. I really dig your life wisdom that inevitably reflects in your writings..this was an amazing read, Michael! Striving to volunteer as if its the last experience I’ll ever be a part of 🙂


    • Thank you very much, Himani. Something tells me you put up your hand a long time ago. I am greatly enjoying working side by side with you here in the Poet’s Guild… or is it the Undercover Agent Squad… No matter… Love has no desire to keep these things straight, either… 🙂



    • Thank you, Malaika! There is such a lovely squadron forming on the runway. Rumor has it we are going to bomb the desert with free drink coupons and then build an outpost for drought resistant Poets.



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