A Blown Correlation

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After a day of cotton skies
and bituminous questions
about my fate,
a gap appeared in the sky
and sheets of light rained down.
Leaves glowed like stained glass,
the air trembled softly in the trees
as it awoke from its slumber,
and a butterfly took flight.
Grace is like that,
just a flicker of brilliance,
a single data point that destroys
years of careful correlations
but brings the mountain into view.
When I beheld the light from the summit
my mind changed phase,
becoming translucent like the leaves.
The molecules holding my past
in whirling electronic orbits
into a field of resonating suns,
and now, even on cloudy nights,
I can hear the stars whispering.


  1. This is almost hallucinogenic in quality– transports one to a different place and consciousness, like a dream. You seemed to have found the Holy Grail.


    • Thank you, Ellen. I’m happy to know you were transported, and I hope it was to a happy dream! As to finding the Holy Grail, I cannot say, but I do know every little thing is both more and less than we tend to think. When I observe and imagine and feel, it is hard not to notice the tenuous nature of what is on display, or the vastly substantial stillness contained within it.



  2. Lovely Michael. Yes, you transported and elevated us to a higher perspective. Was this a journey of imagination or tied to a life event? I’ve certainly had that feeling at the top of a few mountains with the amazing panoramas, feeling of openness and aliveness, and occasional insights. Thanks! πŸ™‚


    • Hi Brad! This was more of a journey of imagination– a cloudy weekend, the appearance of sunlight and the observation of how it impacts mood and awareness. Then spin it a bit farther into universal patterns of awakening, which for me come as flashes I suppose. Moments where I let myself recognize… the sunlight striking those leaves and me sitting here beside it… is meaningful, contains something Whole… And in that realization something in us is transformed… πŸ™‚



  3. Yes! It’s why there is the phrase “flash of insight.” Sometimes it takes an interruption to our habit patterns to notice the miracle. Other times we notice with the long throw of time.
    Thanks for the poetic reminder.


    • Yes, sometimes it just hits us, like the brain made some new endorphins or something… You are right, though, sometimes after a long process we look back and then it hits us… It’s always just hitting us, though, isn’t it!? Tap tap tap… πŸ™‚



  4. The stars that whisper… gracious such a beautiful recollection to keep close to the heart for those moments that we face the boxing in separation. Just was reminded eloquently elsewhere this morning of the importance of the freedom provided by the thought that “this too shall pass” as we remember to allow allow allow the whispering stars to join the conversation in our darkness. So so so enjoy the deep diving with you. -x.M


    • Cool video! This too shall pass is something my mother used to day when we were growing up. There is so much wisdom in simple approaches.

      In totally weird and off topic inner neuron couplings, I was reminded of the sports commentator Ian Darke making the statement during the World Cup that one of the teams (I can’t remember which) had a real “You shall not pass” look about them. That one totally cracked me up.

      The ease with which our minds can couple Gandalf’s battle in the underworld with a World Cup match gives some clue to the ephemeral nature of the video screen we’re witnessing, no?



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