The Feminine Science of Water, Part 5

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Reflections / Science

To close this series on water and the notion of a feminine science, I want to note that a fundamental element of such a science would be an appreciation that the Unknown is the true subject of study. The beauty and power of Life is not what it displays—the parts and mechanisms we can codify—but what it reveals. What it reveals is the content of the Unknown, and this is as true of water as it is of the human form.

I mentioned last time that Dr. Morré shared with me the discovery that water responded to solar events. How neat and tidy would it be to relate this observation to Johann Grander’s contention that “water is a cosmic substance” that receives information from the cosmos? We could choose to believe that the observation by Dr. Morré is precisely what Johann Grander was talking about, but this would be a mistake in my opinion. This would reduce Johann Grander’s wisdom to a few mechanisms that we might discover, and here is where a predominately male science—as I’ve explained it in this series—falls short.

It’s not that there aren’t beautiful and intriguing mechanisms to discover; it’s that treating them as if they are the whole picture obfuscates what they would otherwise reveal. And the presence of the feminine in science would not allow this. It would not allow the dissection of Wholeness that unmoors us from the very miracle that sustains us—the miracle of Life in the first place. We cannot set that off to the side and hope one day to incorporate it back into the picture. It is profoundly self-destructive to think we have 99% of it figured out without the One thing that matters, and to hope that with more research and better tools we can blot the very heart of our existence off the page.

It is madness to try, in my opinion. It is a literally dead end.

This doesn’t mean we must ignore the mechanisms at work in our world. It only means that we comprehend them as movements within, and integral to, the Whole. And it means that we acknowledge the Whole is real. The failure of an exclusively masculine science has not been the technological achievements we enjoy today, but the powerlessness it has brought us. Power resides in relationship to the Whole, and here I speak of real power, which is not the ability to destroy, or explode, or sanitize, but the power to connect, create and nourish. I’m speaking of the power of Life itself. To banish such a power from the picture, and make it unreal, is to remove ourselves from the very possibility of healing and wholeness that we seek.

Words are ineffectual here, and there is no argument to be made that could in any way stand in for what exists in the world all around us. Some are willing to see it, and some are not, but make no mistake: we are speaking about the marginalization of our own heart. Not our hearts, but our One Heart. To think that we can exclude this from the conversation and engineer a world that sustains life, nourishes life, and frees up time and space for human beings to truly flower, is arrogance. And this is what we must confront if we are to recover the feminine in our science, and in our world at large. We will have to confront our collective arrogance.

My interest in water has shown this to me as well. The idea that water is explainable entirely in terms of chemistry, or even physics, is mistaken. There is more to water than we are at liberty to explain—more even than the very interesting discoveries of the past twenty years suggest, in which water has been shown to be a dissipative system (like all living organisms) with a carbonate metabolism, a battery that stores light, a substance that is at once order-forming and order-destroying, a receiver and transmitter of information, an oscillatory system in tune to the cosmos, and a shape-shifting catalyst on which a great many biochemical reactions ride. Even these do not tell us what water is.

But it isn’t difficult to acknowledge that water is alive. Water is Life expressed, as we are. We can, of course, continue to deny this, but this denial would merely be a vote to remain in our broken state, with all of the attending consequences. It may seem a naïve leap to equate our treatment of water with our treatment of one another, or our treatment of the planetary ecosystems, but I don’t think this is the case. The antagonism for Life itself that has accumulated in the modern worldview is not something we can turn on and off. It taints every level of our society, informs our treatment of women, of the sick and the poor, of other species, of our selves even, and I think we are seeing today that our very survival may be in question.

Does this seem melodramatic? From my vantage, it is not.

That said, I think we will all be surprised by the healing power of Life itself, once we endeavor to work in partnership with it. To do this however, we will need to acknowledge that the Whole exists, which requires an acknowledgment that the Unknown is quite real, and that any mechanisms we may discover are only truly real in their relationship to the Whole. Life is the revelation of this truth, the truth of who we are, no more and no less.


  1. I love your conclusions that we must examine life (science, health, politics, etc.) within the framework of a living whole, and to ignore this is an arrogance that can’t sustain life as the world currently reflects.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. How on earth did I manage to miss the first four pasts? I’ll search back through my emails. I love this topic. Just a couple of days ago I drew a card from an oracle deck. It depicted a whale in water. I didn’t go to the book for an oracle. I simply intuited that the water is more trusting than any human, splashing against the rock and adjusting course accordingly, trusting the edge of the cliff completely. Feminine.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Yes, well said, Elliott! It’s a fascinating topic, for sure. Water has a fascinating ability to yield without losing its nature. You’ve touched on the topic beautifully. Yet another beautiful lesson from water!



  3. I’ve so enjoyed this series Michael. Of course you weren’t talking about water at all were you, well only as a vehicle. You were really talking about Life, the One, Truth with a capital T.
    I agree our survival is in question, and that should we find a way to work with the Whole of Life healing will come very quickly.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you, Alison! Well, I did intend to write about water, but I realized that my muse had bigger aims very quickly. We can’t really separate these things, I guess–how we perceive the world, and how we perceive ourselves, and how we perceive the existence of Truth and Unity. It’s amazing to me that there is just about nothing we can examine in the natural world that does not reveal an underlying wisdom, in a sense, in its structure or movement, or growth… Hopefully we catch on… 🙂

      Blessings to you and Don as well,

      Liked by 2 people

  4. galenpearl says

    I just found your site from your article in Miracles Magazine. Loved this series on water. I have spent many years in contemplation of the Tao Te Ching (going back to the original Chinese) and practicing martial arts, as well as delving into other wisdom teachings such as ACIM. The concept of water is so fundamental to these teachings and practices. Bruce Lee’s advice to “be water, my friend” says it all. Looking forward to reading more! (I write about similar topics on my blog No Way Cafe. Happy to find a kindred spirit.)

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hello Galen,

      Nice to meet you, too! Thanks for the visit and for sharing a bit about yourself. Yes, water offers a great deal of wisdom, I agree. It’s kind of a rabbit hole once you start looking carefully. One thing leads to another and pretty soon you’re looking at everything! I will drop by sometime soon and visit you at the No Way Cafe…



  5. I am just getting into the Blog world now, Michael, and had missed your first 4 posts, which I will go back to. Thank you for sharing some water magic. Nobody sees the extraordinary powers of water more than the desert dwellers here in the arid Southwest. I feel my soul drying up at times, when we go without rain for 110 day or so, like now. We do have the luxury of turning on the tap and standing under a shower for a few minutes, but it often makes me think how the ancient ones lived here 2,000 years ago. I suppose even small quantities of water were more alive back then that big water reservoirs are now. Almost every creek here has been stopped from flowing and dammed for humans. What does that type of stagnation do to us?
    Take care, Michael, all the best to you.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Hi Kristina,

      So nice to hear from you here! Hope you are doing well.

      Yes, nothing like the scarcity of a precious resource to heighten our appreciation of it… I think Viktor Schauberger and Johann Grander would both bemoan the the widespread damming of rivers. Schauberger in fact wrote quite a bit about this. I recall he had some concepts for dams that would enliven water that is held up in lakes and basins by stimulating the appropriate circulation and movement of the stored water, and managing the temperature gradients along the dam to create a more appropriate interface between the human technology and the life of the water. Both spoke critically of our typical water management practices and suggested we’re ‘killing’ the water through mechanical means that shackle the life and natural movement of this most important medium.

      As to what it does to us, that’s a great question! Schauberger actually wrote that it would poison us and dull our minds… But it’s a funny thing. Life will try to overcome. Plants will grow out of crevices in rock. And all living things will try at great expense to express their true nature, and I suspect that is as true of us as any other organism. So, it simply makes the task more difficult. But not insurmountable in my opinion! It’s like one more brick in the backpack we have to shoulder as we move through life…

      Best to you as well!

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Hello Michael! I’m afraid I’ve missed this series, having been absent from the blogosphere for a few months now — a few years from my own humble site. It seems one can get out of the habit after a while, judging by the blogging lifespans I’ve witnessed come and go. A part of me misses the communal aspects, the mutual touching of bases and sharing of views, of creative expression, and another part of me feels a little as if I’m on a treadmill with WordPress. I hope your writing endeavours are proceeding well, my friend. How is the novel coming along, may I ask? Love and all best wishes, Hariod.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Hariod!

      So nice to hear from you! Yes, one can get out of the habit. And I can relate to both of your observations regarding WP. I’ve done a bit of commenting here and there but haven’t been on as regularly of late.

      The novel is coming along. It’s drafted. I sent the first couple chapters and a draft query letter to the fiction editor who published the short story about Renfro that you read once, and I was temporarily knocked off the tracks just a bit. While much of the feedback was good, she was concerned that as a white writer, my production of a manuscript about a character who is part Native American and part African American may be untouchable. I have to confess I was quite surprised by this. I’ve decided at this point there’s no remedy. Haha. I sent the manuscript to a friend who is Native American and asked for a sensitivity check, and she felt it was perfectly fine. But of course there’s no telling how various persons will react.

      The other challenge is the novel wasn’t written (and the story wasn’t told) in sequential order. So having only received the first couple of chapters this was confusing. This issue is a little more challenging because it just wasn’t drafted as a work that goes from A to B directly, and trying to make it so would require a good deal more rewriting than I think I’m able to comprehend doing–at least at this very moment. I have been working on feathering in some gentler transitions between chapters and am thinking of using dates at the start of each chapter, as sub-headings, to help reduce this effect. I’m told–and can find no reason to disagree with the notion–that if it’s told out of a linear time sequence I should know why it’s told that way. And my only answer now is that it felt good at the time. Haha. So I’ve got to do some thinking about whether or not it’s truly okay with the structure it has.

      Lastly, my first chapter has universally been seen to be problematic, as my third person omniscient narrator did a bit too much head-hopping. I’ve recently resolved that with a complete rewrite. I think that point was very well-taken.

      Generally speaking it’s been slow since I completed the draft but just recently I’ve picked up some momentum again. Hope you’re having a lovely summer, H!

      With Love

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Hello Michael, you have really accomplished something that is outstanding in your series of Water is a feminine Science. Firstly, the writing itself is masterful, and then the content provokes me. I am not going to say that I fully grasped some of your points, but you did get me thinking, and for that I am very grateful, Your friend, Harlon

    Liked by 1 person

    • Harlon! Hope this finds you well. Thank you very much for these kudos, which are greatly appreciated. I hope your subsequent thoughts have cascaded through some happy waterfalls of consciousness.

      Your friend, ineed,

      Liked by 1 person

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