All posts filed under: Christ

The Honesty We Crave

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Christ / Poetry

Everything you see is a trick. And Love is the punchline. These skins are just the charade we need, to remember what can never grow old. Children with eyes overflowing— they don’t tire of hearing it over and over and over again. All those goo goo gah gah faces we make— so certain of our personal contribution to their pleasure… They’re not even listening. It’s what’s in our eyes they crave, that punchline peeking through our […]

A Secret About Me

comments 43
Christ / Poetry

It’s only been a few days, but I’m back for more. The life of an addict. My moments have become cracked glass, but there is a hint of honey in my tears. It’s been a bittersweet epiphany: I’m not cut out to be the person I’ve been being. I’m a crash test dummy careening into the wall of nothing whatsoever. For a moment I was full and clear, a moment without the traffic, unfettered, remembering what […]

A Peculiar Brand of Holiness

comments 22
Christ / Course Ideas

To the spotlight operator, it’s just another night.  Another show.  Another transient gathering of pinstripe suits, twinkling diamonds, and feathered boas.  They come in from all over the world, glittering and polished, to stand time still for a flickering hour, to bask in the unknown and the unpredictable, to say they were there, to hobnob beneath the halogens.  For a brief moment, nothing else will matter, as everyone’s power is handed in to the performance, […]

Two Thoughts

comments 24

I Jesus is my breath. He is the blood in my veins, the white of my bones, and the thoughts of my heart. He is the stones in the ground, the birds in the field, and the wood drifting down the river. Behind the wincing in thieves, the sighs of politicians, and the crackling static of the sherriff’s radio when no one is near, you will find him. He is the root, the marrow, the […]

Grinding Down

comments 48
Christ / Course Ideas

I haven’t picked up A Course of Love for a while, but picked it up again the other day and flipped to a “random” section.  I ended up opening to a page that was late in the Treatise on the Personal Self, which is a section of the Course describing the way in which the personal self becomes a living representation of the True Self—the latter being the identity we all share in unity.  Through […]

Keepers of the Promise

comments 32
Christ / Poetry

Snow tip-toes through the sunlight, falling in a dappled caress, a lingering sweetness, as the world bends around the corner. The passing season is saying its good-byes, asking to be thought of kindly for all that was and had to be. The blown kiss leaves the forest empty again, a landscape between tenants– a hallowed silence filled with the changing light. Who will come next? A caravan of deer march through this question in a […]

Disarmament (Part 5) (of 5)

comments 43
Christ / Creative / Fiction

This is the fifth and final chapter of this short foray into fiction.  Here is a link to the first for those who may wish to start at the beginning.  We’ll return to our normally scheduled programming shortly, which as you may well have surmised, means I have no idea what comes next.  Thank you so much for reading… * * * * * Thinking there was a distinction between what was Love and what […]

Disarmament (Part 4)

comments 25
Christ / Creative / Fiction

This is Part 4 of 5.  One more to go…  Part 1 is here, if you wish to start at the beginning. * * * * * He must have gone for help, the little junco, because when I awoke there were two of them.  One on my side of the window, inspecting the sill– making those erratic steps that come in packs of four or five– and the other one outside, moving only its […]

Disarmament (Part 3)

comments 22
Christ / Fiction

This is part 3 of a short fictional series.  So far the posts are all in order…  So far… * * * * * They’d told me about the wire probably six months ago.  The jumper wire.  How it grew within us from the anode to the cathode like a clever root of ivy.  The fuse of a self. A short circuit. It was a strange trick: cutting eternity out of the equation.  Without access […]

Disarmament (Part 2)

comments 23
Christ / Creative / Fiction

This post is part of a short fictional series.  It comes with a brief apology about the length.  I’m aiming to keep each segment under a thousand words, but, well… yeah…  The beginning is here. * * * * * Click. They were gone. The sound seemed to shrivel and disappear beneath the threshold, pulling every other sound with it.  There was nothing left but my breathing, and the blank-faced stare of the walls.  For a moment, […]