All posts tagged: Communion

The Heart Opens Into the Tongue

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The way a cloud breaks, after wicking water from the sky for several days of a moon’s turn inward, and a droplet of water taps a leaf on its way to the ground, and says, I have heard you, is the way that we are blessed: with premonitions of what has already been given. My heart is Bell’s Inequality. On one side there is meaning and on the other side there is only its absence. […]

A Selection of True Awakening Experiences Part III

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My days are no longer numbered. That’s one thing I’ve noticed. And I feel okay about being up this creek without a paddle. I’m even starting to think whatever it is I don’t know is probably the best part, and always will be. Today, I must confess, the full moon cracked me like a nut, and I wasn’t the only one. For a while we were floundering. All of us. Working up a righteous indignation […]

Imagine That You Are Loved

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We’re going to perform a thought experiment, Hafiz announces. What wonders to behold, I answer. (Why does he always assume that just because he wants to do experiments, I do as well?) (What irks me most is that I do, of course.) Hafiz bounces a rubber ball off of the wall and catches it with the same hand, without really even being aware that he’s done so, then holds it over his mouth like an […]

Too Far

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Once in a while Hafiz takes things too far. Like after I took him to the Celtics game where he noted with ear-to-ear enthusiasm the musical ambush they sprung upon us during TV timeouts that filled the entire arena and every soul in it with raucous abandon and a preview of the apocalypse. Next day I’m sitting quietly on the living room floor in a stare down with some hint of brokenness, stirring the kettle […]

An Insight… A Cliché… A Knowing…

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Christ / Course Ideas

I’ve been thinking lately about things I have no business thinking about, like how to reconcile the capital-‘S’ Self from A Course of Love with what I’ve glimpsed of the Buddhist teaching of anatta, or no-self.  Let me say right at the outset that this is not purely an intellectual exercise.  One of the great miracles of starting this blog has been the dialogue with people whose words, and possibly (though it remains hard to […]

Freshly Cut Light

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I was a diamond on the ride in today, a precisely cut sentience whisking across the frozen tar, a conscious particle accepting every direction, every possibility, into its center. Breathing. Zooming. Flooding the radio silence with unformed memories. Remembering forty years from now. Embracing the horizon’s glow. Letting that fire reflect inside of me from every angle before being released. Calling every misgiving home from the wild. Setting out food. Becoming the rookery while it’s […]

A Poem For You

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I wrote this poem for you. You wonder how this could be, since we’ve never met. You think I would need to know at least a few things about your self before I could make such a claim. You think, perhaps, that our two bodies should have shared a room at least once before I could even consider such a crazy idea as writing this poem for you. Or at least they should have heard one […]